Left: Details not Available |Right: PAROXETINE


“Hè Wei’s research, dedicated to the investigation of shapes, forms and colors, goes from the beauty to the ugliness, from certainty to doubt, from exteriority to interiority. In recent works, the investigation of an emotional turmoil is particularly accentuated, and it is expressed in a very rhythmic and pulsing language. The signs, shapes, scratches and scribbles.

All intertwined between the realistic- figurative compositions of anonymous bodies and the abstract chromatic inserts that force us to go beyond the real figure of the visible.”

BARIUM FLUORIDE [2022] - 120cm x 100cm - Oil on Canvas


“In his recent paintings, Hè Wei analyses and dismantles the portrait, to create a stronger and more violent perception compared to his previous canvases, characterized by the cancelation of the face through graffiti or coloured geometric shapes. The result of the new portraits is truly fascinating thanks to the use of very strong and incisive colours and studied and skilful oil spots and brushstrokes.”

BISMUTH SELENIDE [2022] - 120cm x 100cm - Oil on Canvas

“The artist has assigned titles of psychotropic drugs to the works, giving them a curative function (they are med- icines of distorted reality) and at the same time they are representation of contemporaneity, in need of rebal- ance the excess of psychosis and schizophrenia through drugs.

In this whirling sensation of confusion and instability, the spectator is brought straight into this art of transition, towards future forms.”


Details not Available



Up: VENOM [2019] - 220cm x 187cm - Oil on Canvas

Left: ETERNAL SUNSET [2023] - 120cm x 100cm - Oil on Canvas | Right: INTERMITTENT HYPNOSIS [2022] - 160cm x 130cm - Oil on Canvas
